When you own your own business, you want as many people as possible to know that your business exists. To do this, you need to increase your company’s brand awareness. Name awareness is also called brand-awareness. If you have more brand awareness, more people will consider your business for a purchase.

Why Brand-Awareness

A lot of studies have been done on the impact of brand awareness on consumer buying behavior. One such study (Moisescu) showed that 60% of consumers consider it a high risk to buy from a company they have never heard of before. This means that name recognition would cause consumers to buy from you rather than one of your more unfamiliar competitors. So brand awareness is very important to make your business successful and build a loyal customer base.

More name recognition leads to more recognition of your brand. More recognition in turn leads to more consideration. When your company is considered more often, people will also buy from your company more often. When buyers are satisfied they will also remain loyal to your company. So more brand awareness has multiple benefits step by step. By growing your brand awareness, your company and your sales will naturally grow as well.

There are several ways to increase brand awareness of your company, product or service. One of these ways is advertising.

Advertising to increase brand awareness

Advertising is a great way to increase your brand awareness. There are several ways you can advertise, depending on your budget. For example, you can place ads on social media, search engines or on relevant websites. Advertising gets people to see your business and follow you.

If you have a business, it is important to ensure high brand awareness. This ensures that people know and are attracted to your business. One of the ways you can do this is by using Google Display Ads.

waar gebruik je ads voor

Google Display is an advertising network operated by Google. Advertisers can use Google Display to set up campaigns to promote their products or services through photo ads displayed on websites and apps.

This way, people can learn about your business and think about buying from you. You can also use other online marketing services to increase your brand awareness. It is important to invest in your brand awareness because it can eventually lead to more customers and more revenue. Google Display Ads are a relatively inexpensive way for people to connect with your business.

Google Display for Brand Awareness Tips

But how do you best advertise through Google display? Here are 3 tips to improve your Google display ads.

Stand out

Make sure your ads are appealing and eye-catching. If you want to use ads to increase brand awareness, it is important that they look attractive. Ads that are bland and unremarkable are unlikely to get much attention and thus will do little to increase your brand awareness. So make sure your ads look attractive so that they catch people’s attention.

One possible way to make your ad stand out is to use moving images. In a display ad, you could use GIFs for this purpose. For more ways to make your display ad stand out click here.


If you want to use ads to increase brand awareness, it is important that they be recognizable. Ads that are not recognizable are unlikely to get much attention and thus will do little to increase your brand awareness. So make sure your ads are recognizable so that people can associate them with your business.


Make sure your ads are displayed regularly. If you want to use ads to increase your brand awareness, it is important that you display them regularly. Ads that are displayed sporadically are unlikely to get much attention and thus will do little to increase your brand awareness. So make sure your ads are displayed regularly so that people can continue to see and remember them.